
Showing posts from April, 2023

Final Project

 2022 Shootings Jahnae Edwards | April 28th, 2023 In the wake of the Michigan State shooting, I began thinking about the number of mass shootings that have happened in the United States over the years. I have watched the way that I am educated transform completely due to mass shootings. For this project I wanted to visualize the amount of shootings that have happened in 2022 alone. In order to do this analysis, I found a site called mass shooting archive  which has kept track of all mass shootings in the United States since 2014. According to the site, a shooting is considered a mass shooting when more than 4 people are hurt at one location. According to this dataset, in 2022, 647 mass shootings occurred. To clean this dataset, I began by deleting the last column called "operations" because it is not relevant for this analysis. I then renamed each column and added the column "TotalHurt" which consists of the sum of people killed and injured. A snippet of the cleaned...

Module # 13 Dynamic/interaction and animation Visualization

I found this week's assignment very interesting as I had no idea that you can animate using r, with some research I discovered that there is a package called gganimate that can be used to animate plots. For this assignment, I got a chart I created for another class that would look great animated and added transition_reveal() in order to animate it. I added the stagnant graph below as well as the gif animation. I believe that the results of this created a more visually appealing graph.